Contented Crafter Organiser – Winner

Finally dear readers and bloggy friends – we have the post you have just been hanging out for [yes? yes??]

Running behind I made my lists and checked them twice – eventually there were 78 strips of paper crammed into the coffee cup bearing names gathered from the comments section of the previous post and the beloved ‘followers’ of The Contented Crafter Facebook page.

Whilst engaged in this activity there was a petulant cat to try and mollify, pet, remind he was still my number one favourite, hand feed to prove that last statement whilst keeping a watchful eye on puppy as he stole my morning woolly socks from the bedroom, stole Orlando’s happy-bag from the basket, pushed his way between various barriers, chewed on the reading lamp cord and pulled a recipe book from the bakers rack and tore it to shreds.

The camera sat at the ready to take three pretty shots of all the names lined up neatly, piled into my morning coffee cup and the winning name proudly displayed for all to see.

I stirred and shook the contents of the mug as vigorously as possible, pulled out one strip, set it aside and tossed the rest while simultaneously scrambling to get puppy to his pee mat before he did it in the wrong place, then discovering uh-oh, not a pee,  scrambling to get puppy outdoors for his imminent poo….. picking puppy up and cuddling him because once again he got stepped on due to his not-so-endearing habit of running between my feet every time I move.

I spent some further precious minutes mollifying Orlando who had only just deigned to re-enter the house and would stay BUT ONLY SO LONG AS THAT THING DIDN’T MOVE!

Eventually I started writing this post and realised – oh dear, yes, the camera is still sitting at the ready……

However, puppy is snoozing on my left foot, and cat is sitting on the back of the chair on his blankie for the first time in five days….  A MIRACLE HAS JUST TAKEN PLACE AND THERE IS NOBODY TO SEE IT!

So I write dear friends.  A stillness has settled over the room broken only by the tap of my fingers on the keyboard and the deep, heavy breathing of Orlando who has not yet attained contentment enough to release his rumbley purr.  But who may, if he gets a wee sleep undisturbed, find his mojo again.

I dare not move!

The camera is on the other side of the room, the strip of paper is here beside me.

The strip of paper bears the name ‘Narf77’

I hooted with laughter when I saw that name – if you follow along with The Road to Serendipity you may be aware of the wonderful antics of the wonderful Fran when it comes to blog giveaways.  I always love her comments on mine and others’ posts as they are always in depth, humorous and often longer than the original article.  I’m not sure if Fran has won a giveaway previously, but I know that in recent times amongst the blogs we both follow, she has not, despite her fervent wish to do so.   Fran’s recent decision to ‘let the Universe decide’ has obviously been a wise one.

The Universe, with a tad of assistance from Orlando and Sid-Arthur has decided.

Congratulations Narfie, drop me an email with your cover choice and we will get her underway!

To everybody else who took part, thank you and I hope you had fun too.

And because there is a lack of photos today here is one just to remind you of the new little cuteness:

May31 coming home

Thanks for coming by today, I love that you did!