A Short History of Siddy and Some Other Things

There was life BS and now there is life AS.

There exists a photo taken the day before I met Siddy for the first time in which I am lolling back on my chair with a large, sleepy cat purring and wuffling softly on my lap. My YD was checking out her old camera prior to passing it on to me as she had just purchased her lovely posh new one.  Despite this being her old and now not good enough camera, it goes better than mine ever did.  She took a photo and shot a short video on a day that we did not then know was the last day of life BS.

I’m not going to show you the photo or the video as neither is the least bit flattering and I still have a modicum of vanity about my appearance!  Suffice to say I don’t loll well!!

I shall forever treasure that shot however for it records life BS and that may well be the last time I loll any where or indeed have a large and heavy Maine Coon purring and wuffling contentedly in my lap!

Yesterday Orlando stayed inside for the first time – though never in the lounge – at least on the kitchen counter or [poutingly] in his window or in my work room.  Every time he moved Siddy bounced joyfully towards him and we all went back to square one.

Orlando decided his window seat was the only place he could be

June5 14 AS

You would have to be pretty insensitive if you do not recognise that this is not a place he is staying because he wants to, but a place he must be because he is a put-upon cat and has nowhere else left to go – this is all that is left to him!!!!

It is very sad!  But then this afternoon there suddenly appeared to be this option too – which has a slight irony to it………Tig on fridge2

I spent an hour this morning re-housing containers of embellishing items and various photos from the top of the tall dresser in my work room and laying a sheepskin rug there instead.  After much coaxing I got Orlando to look at it and even to step onto it – but it wouldn’t do as the puppy was bouncing around on the floor whining that he was missing out on something and Orlando felt the need to exit the building again.

It is a week today since I first met my little black and white ball of fluff and went ‘sqeeeeee!’  The ‘sqeeee’ hasn’t stopped – he is totally gorgeous and when he turns those bright black eyes on me I just melt all over again.  I am sad about my big boy though, as I hate to see him so discombobulated and tense.  I really thought his natural tendency to zen out would see him through, aided by loads of extra attention and reassurance and all those good things – but now I wonder if he is just being bloody minded!

Despite all this tension in our normally content household I have begun a painting:


I hadn’t painted anything except organiser covers since February – I hadn’t even used my lovely new pencils that I purchased in Wellington at the end of March – I was worried I had forgotten how to draw and paint……..  But no, she’s got potential and I just have to become enlightened about what to do with her next.

And I have managed to finish this gorgeous thing as well, working away in the few quiet moments I get in the evenings – though I may decide to put another white double-row of scallops around the edge to finish off my finishing off  🙂

Bavarian Rug finished

Its rather large, coming in at 1.30 m [approx 50″ for you imperialists] and it is a square, despite the camera making it look like a rectangle.  It is texture rich, reversible, and weighty.  If I ever get my bedroom done up the way I would like to, this will look fantastic on my bed!

In the meantime I have to keep it safe from puppy love….

“Are you really, really sure you don’t want me to pull it? Tug it?  Shake it? …. I can you know, it’s no trouble at all…..  You don’t?  Unbelievable!!  What on earth is it for then?”

Siddy June5 14

If you want to have a go [and I don’t mean ‘a go’  in a Sddy kind of way – I mean in a relaxed and crocheting kind of way] at this gorgeous Bavarian Rug for yourself check out Dani’s tutorial.  I am just going to keep right on making things using this stitch – I love it to pieces!!

Bavarian Rug texture

Siddy went to make friends with the folk at our Veterinary Practice on Tuesday.  He was very happy to be there and went from person to person most amiably – I was happy to have a break quite honestly.  He had put on 800 grams in 8 days.  That’s 100 grams a day – in no time at all he will be a giant!  His big sister YD dropped in to see him after her shift last night and said she thought his tail was longer and thicker.  I hadn’t noticed, but this morning on really looking, I think that is where the 800g has gone!  I also wonder how much weight he would put on if he ever sat still………

As I have never given you the full details – and some of you want to know I’m sure 🙂 here is the background and story of how Sid-Arthur arrived in our lives.

Siddy is short for Sid-Arthur.  Sid-Arthur is a play on ‘Siddhartha’ the prince who became the Buddha.  The name came about because the first time we met the wildly energetic ball of fluff, I was allowed to hold him and he settled and became still and quiet in my arms and the pet shop owner observed that ‘he looks just like a little Buddha….’

Siddy’s mother is a Maltese Terrier X Shih Tzu, variously known as a Matzu, Maltzu or a Mitzu.  Dad is a Lhasa Apso.  All I know is there’s an awful lot of terrier in this boy!

Both the Shih-Tzu and the Lhasa Apso began life as Temple Dogs and are named after Lions, who are revered for their courage and large hearts.  Both these traits are easily seen in my little fellow.  Being just a babe he is courageous to the point of fool-hardiness, but time and experience will temper that.  His large heart is seen in his unabated joy and enthusiasm for EVERYTHING!

Sometimes I just stand and watch pure joy in action.  I thought I was good at living in the moment – I discover I still have much to learn!!  Courage is seen when he lines his tiny body up to get down steps or in the past two days, off the chair.  He jumps.  All four legs work at it, the front two go up and out and the back two propel him high into the air and he sails bravely forth with more speed and height than is really required and lands, increasingly gracefully, on the spot he set his eyes upon.  It is impressive, it is courageous, it is funny!

Siddy was born on Friday April 4th 2014.  I found him on Friday 30th May when he was exactly 8 weeks old.  He came to live with me the next day.  The moment my daughter knew he was coming home with me was a moment I missed.

I had met him and cuddled him and returned him to his pen with his two brothers.  We walked off with the pet shop owner to look at equipment that might be required if I was going to commit to a puppy.  Still deep in conversation we returned to the front of the cage where YD observed the pup stop still in the midst of his playful brothers and with a look of pure joy launch himself happily towards me, his eyes fixed on my face.

I thought he was the most gorgeous bundle of energy I had ever seen – but I was intent on getting an older, female dog – and I preferred a Bichon or Bichon-Shih-Tzu X; the ‘Teddy Bear’ dog, or a Labradoodle or a Spoodle.  I thought a girl and the more mature energy would be easier for me and Orlando to cope with.

Three weeks previously I had had an odd experience regarding an older Bichon girl who had been picked up by the pound.  I had made inquiries and been told she was not suitable for re-homing.  Three days later I found out the Dog Rescue people had taken her.  I made contact, saying I was interested, but heard nothing back.  Ten days later I discovered a message in my facebook message box which had somehow got buried beneath others and had been there for a week, advising me the dog would be re-homed and asking if I was interested in applying formally.  Of course I had responded immediately, but it was too late – she had found her forever home.

I was puzzled – this was the perfect scenario for us, why had it not happened?  Obviously she was not meant for us – but she had fit my order perfectly!

I wrestled all night long with committing to a puppy – a huge undertaking, no matter how cute he was!  Full commitment came when I was delivered a waking picture in my mind of a little black and white puppy all alone in a pet shop cage after his two brothers had gone to their forever homes and his intended forever home had said no.

I was In!  YD told me he was already In! and she saw the whole thing as being Inevitable!  And so Sid-Arthur came home.

My postcard prints of ‘Choose Joy’ finally arrived today.  Time to get those organisers made for those of you who are waiting – and then into the Etsy Store too!

Thanks for coming by today, I love that you did!