Painting with Alcohol Inks and Acrylics

For those of you with your long term memory still intact, there may be a flicker of recognition if I show you thisbtrA  work that grew out of a sketch where I got quite brave and began to experiment with acrylic paints over alcohol inks.  I began by trying to manipulate the sky and eventually found my way forward enough to pronounce myself satisfied – or at least to the ‘let’s quit while I’m ahead’ stage.

The work progressed slowly because I had no idea what the result of mixing the two medias of ink and paint would be.  I had to give it all time to dry and cure before I went further.  It seems to be all okay – but the unknown is how long it will last.  It may scratch, the paper pieced pieces may lift – does glue work okay long term on alcohol based inks?  The inks themselves are given to fading in strong light and they make up the sky and the crone. So many questions and so few answers!  Anyway, it’s been sent off as a surprise gift and time will tell if it was a gift worth giving or a sow’s ear dressed up as a silk purse ……  🙂

Still, here it is photographed on a white tray which apparently reflects the colours quite well  who knew!!davSomething apart from the woolly kind of creations finally got finished.  There’s hope – there’s always hope  🙂

Right, back to the woolly stuff……

I love that you came by today, thank you!