Meet Sid-Arthur

The pet shop owner said, as he cuddled into my arms – “He looks just like a little Buddha!”

meet the pup2

Well, that was his name taken care of then!  He came home the next day.

We went for a walk before coming inside – he ran like crazy for the first quarter of the block, walked the next quarter, was carried the third quarter and managed the last quarter at a slow pace.

May31 First walk3

He had a little something to eat, then settled down for a nap.  Orlando was not amused.  While I was trying to post some photos on face book this happened:

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We did five minutes leash training this morning, adding in ‘sit’ and ‘come’ to his name [which seems to be Siddy!].  Then I got this:

I may not have slept, my cat may not be talking to me, but isn’t this the cutest little bundle of fluff you ever saw?

Thanks for coming by today, I love that you did!