Old Lady Reading

While time marches inexorably onward, I’m still busy regaling you with the results of my March determination to get back into some sort of artwork – any sort of art work really – my abilities having somehow mysteriously atrophied due to non-use over the previous couple of years.

So, sometime towards the end of March I spent a couple of hours one evening drawing and colouring while listening to Juliet Stevenson read me more of ‘Middlemarch’ on Audible.  Eventually I produced this

Feeling quite delighted with her and vaguely amused with myself I sent a photo of the drawing to a friends and family group on Messenger with the message ‘today I drew a self portrait. ‘

My eldest daughter responded almost immediately: ‘That’s a lovely picture but I’ve never seen you in a hat like that.’

‘Picky, picky’ I responded

She came straight back ‘It’s a lovely hat! The whole ensemble is gorgeous and I especially love the shoes!’

There followed other comments about the shoes from other members of the group then we segued off to shoes in general and ended up with the death of Scott Walker and rodent stories quickly followed by cat stories and many, many photos of cats.

I eventually went off to my bed and as I settled myself down to sleep I realised NOBODY had said  ‘Hey, that’s not a self portrait!’  😀

Thanks for coming by today, I love that you did.