The Mystery on the Easel 2:2

Hello!  So, day two dawned and I stood before the easel and gazed with horror at the mess….

Easel 1 June

But as I looked I could see that the random choice of music had had a fair bit of influence over what appeared.  I decided to see what the gods of random chance would fling my way today so Spotify was turned on and I waited – somewhat trepidatiously (is that a word?) and Leonard Cohen’s voice floated through the room, inviting me to dance him to the end of love.  Without thinking and swaying along with the music I applied a thin coat of gesso over the entire painting, knocking back the vibrancy but still allowing some of the colour to show through.    Then I was stumped – where to now?

My eyes fell on the buckets of journal inspiration sticks and I reached forward and grabbed at one.  It said ‘Write at least three random words somewhere’   So I picked up the green paint lying on the palette from working in my art journal and wrote big, random words over the canvas.  And being somewhat of a wordy person, why stop at three words when there is room for so many more – I wrote six of my favourites and, as there was still paint left over, the green mixed with some blue made random circles between those lovely words.


Here’s a close up so you can see what’s happening


I cleaned the brushes and walked away just as the 2 Cello boys began to play ‘Benedictus’ – don’t you love the mad vibrancy of these two young musicians?

Your thoughts?

Thanks for coming by today I love that you did!

48 thoughts on “The Mystery on the Easel 2:2

  1. I’m loving this process of you going with the songs the universe picks for you. I do believe we are sent the signs and symbols we need, so doubtless this is the perfect journey for you (and for us as co-conspirators) 🙂 Looking forward to your next wild art instalment xx


  2. I have this feeling it’s not done yet. It’s lost a little of its chaotic power. Not sure that’s good, but it could be. I await more brushstrokes…


    • You liked the chaotic power Lisa? I found it it downright scary – no order, no rules, chaos. Yikes – run for the hills. I can see that in the near future this is going to have to be something I address in my art if not myself……. Well the one is the other…. It’s always exciting to discover a limitation isn’t it. But I’ve probably ruined this one now so maybe the next one might have another try – maybe a whole painting done to nothing but Bruce, live, in concert……. ?


      • Interesting! You tamed it deliberately? I think you can use that kind of power. People will recognize it, like I did. That first draft was a hilltop in a storm…Does one ride it out? Direct it? Art is such an interesting process. Bruce obviously has an effect!


        • Yes, I tamed it deliberately – there was nowhere I could go with that right now – but the exercise has made me intrigued to try again in the very near future. I appreciate your views on this – it’s good to be encouraged to develop and extend! 

          Liked by 1 person

          • Sometimes you just can’t go somewhere. I know that has been true with my writing at times. I painted the kitchen today, except for the ceiling, which I will get to tomorrow. That’s the only kind of painting I do! It’s interesting that I am having very immediate gut reactions to your recent paintings. We’ll see what happens!


            • i’m intrigued by what you say about gut reactions – your comments are really interesting to me and make me look with different eyes. I’ve already decided to have a go at working with rather than against a primal scream like the first layer on this one – I’d be terrified I’d simply make a complete mess, but hey it’s only paint…… Feel free to let me know anything else you might wish to say via email 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

  3. I like the direction it’s taking. You are following your instincts and I can tell you will be rewarded. It feels good so far. Light with gentle energy. I’m sure you are enjoying the playful process. Hugs.


    • I am enjoying the challenge Marlene – the music dictates along of course with my instinct as you point out. Probably, unconsciously I also dictate the music choice 😀 I have no idea yet what is coming and where we will end – it’s a little liberating,,,,,,

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Pauline, I’ve loved paintings done in layers ever since I ‘discovered’ Maxfield Parrish. His process and intention were different from yours, though. I find it very interesting to see how music and ‘found colours’ (on your palette) influence the work. I’m looking forward to watching this bud unfold . . .


    • I’m working as much as possible to keep my head out of the process Linne – the music, the colours already opened and what has gone before are to be the major influencers – that’s the aim any way 🙂


  5. ‘The Mystery on an Easel’ sounds like a page turner by Agatha Christie, LOL. It was a little manic for me before the Gesso but I’m warming up to it now. Purple and Red are such forceful colours in my proximation to art. I felt alarmed, possibly even panicked by the boldness but maybe that’s a good thing? The words you’ve chosen to paint are in stark contrast to the work on your background. So that’s interesting too. It’s fun to follow along Pauline, thanks for sharing and feel better too! Love K


    • Well Bruce at full force, live, will do that to you. The chaos scared me quite frankly – I wouldn’t know where to go with that yet, so gesso was the ONLY choice! 🙂 I’m being heavily influenced by the music that plays – I have it quite loud and I am mindful of it. It’s an experiment, and that is always interesting. 🙂 I’m 100% again thank you xoxo

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  6. I like to think it was Leonard Cohen’s words that got your words flowing onto the canvas. Poetry in painting! There is a lot of similarity between painting and poetry and the same source of inspiration can inspire both kinds of art. Looking forward to the next phase and hearing what inspires you.


    • Of course you are completely correct Susanne! Though I’m finding ‘painting to music’ with intention both intriguing and just a little scary, mainly because I don’t know what is going to come at me – but I think I’m committed to it 🙂 for this piece any way – I do love to learn and this is another way 🙂


  7. I love watching your creative process. The bold way you work. You are not afraid of channeling your artist’s imagination and going with it. There is a real freedom and strength in that.


  8. You crack me up–and inspire me. Kind of silly, kind of playful, very fun and passionate. And I agree with Jan–the words and meanings are there, even if they don’t show. You know you wrote them and they’ll influence the whole piece.


    • Yes, you are correct about the words – the layering process is such an interesting one when you paint – everything informs everything else – a decision made in the first layer will still be influencing the outcome when it is invisible. I think that’s why I love the process so much. I’m most pleased I crack you up 🙂


  9. Your favourite words are some of my favourite words. They are important to embed in all we do, so why not in a painting. They will give it life and purpose. Bring it on – or should I say: Layer it on!


  10. I love what you did with this. It’s like drapery with these words across it. It was never a mess by the way, just very different from what you did with it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are an excellent cheer-leader Shey – my kind of gal – I love how you see drapery in this layer. I am so prosaic when I do these things, I’m never happy til I come to form and, damn it, I want to be able to enjoy the drapery!! 🙂 xo


  11. I really like the idea of ’embedding’ those words in your art… even if they disappear later, those are wonderful sentiments to have as the foundation of your creation. Oh, and I don’t think it’s ugly, just unfinished.


  12. I love that shade of green you’ve used and I like the choice of words, too. That said, I’m having a hard time reading it on the colored background. Is that true for you or is it an artifact of the photograph. I think you’re having a grand time.


    • The words will disappear, or mostly disappear, eventually and become part of the background Alys – this is only the second layer and typically I might go four or six layers before we get to the fiddling about with completion stage. I also had to photograph with the lights on as it was so gloomy and there is reflection going on – so well spotted!!

      In case there are any you can’t read, the words are Awe, Love, Gratitude, Joy, Serenity and Compassion. 🙂 xoxo


      • I’m so behind on my reading once again. Thank you for explaining this to me, Pauline. Of course it now makes sense. And that is why they call it a process! Face-palm!


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