Meet Sid-Arthur

The pet shop owner said, as he cuddled into my arms – “He looks just like a little Buddha!”

meet the pup2

Well, that was his name taken care of then!  He came home the next day.

We went for a walk before coming inside – he ran like crazy for the first quarter of the block, walked the next quarter, was carried the third quarter and managed the last quarter at a slow pace.

May31 First walk3

He had a little something to eat, then settled down for a nap.  Orlando was not amused.  While I was trying to post some photos on face book this happened:

Day1 1 Day1 2 Day1 5 Day1 6 Day1 7 Day1 8


Day1 9

Day1 10

Day1 11 Day1 11a

We did five minutes leash training this morning, adding in ‘sit’ and ‘come’ to his name [which seems to be Siddy!].  Then I got this:

I may not have slept, my cat may not be talking to me, but isn’t this the cutest little bundle of fluff you ever saw?

Thanks for coming by today, I love that you did!

71 thoughts on “Meet Sid-Arthur

  1. All too fantastic for words. You are living in a magical princess castle I think. Perpetually fair weather, gorgeous kitty cat and the cutest puppy ever. I laughed because it looks like Siddy came from the crate to say hello to Orlando but he b-lined otta there and Sid is left saying, “where you going in such a hurray O?”

    They are both so gorgeous! Is it possible only beautiful creatures live in New Zealand ? Happiness lives here. xo


    • It does indeed Boomdee! We had a rocky first three days – but today it is all settling down – Today we went to see the vet who was terribly impressed with little Siddy – he is clever and healthy and amiable – he went to sleep on her table while we talked. I now have two lovely animals to be besotted with 🙂


  2. lol…I just laughed aloud when I saw the photo where Orlando was looking up at you-too funny!!!Cats don’t need to talk. Just a look says it all!!!! OH I AM SO EXCITED you have a new baby!!!! too cute + now your life will be filled with more stories + funny antics that the two of them will encounter:-)
    Just watched the video he is TOO CUTE!!! His name “siddy” is perfect…He was coming to his name in the video,..did you just name him? WOW if you did he is a bright one…YOu got a gifted child! How old is he? I love his energy:-)


    • He is very clever! He has learnt ‘come’ his name, sit and is also learning to walk on the leash as well as pretty much mastering potty training – all in three days! He is 8 weeks old.

      Orlando is still making his point but I am hopeful he will get over himself – especially when the cold weather comes back and a warm lap is required!


  3. No more quiet, contemplative days for you! That might be the cutest puppy ever and I love his name–so clever. I’m sure he’ll bring all kinds of fun into your life–but it’s an awesome undertaking and responsibility! Like you say, it’s a good thing he’s so cute. I’ll forward to the continuing saga of Orlando and Sid . . .


    • Thanks Kerry – and yes, I’m afraid you are right! He is full on and it turns out my ‘puppy proofed house’ was a joke- he has found every possible loop and hole and invented new ways of destroying furniture, furnishings and clothing in three short days! 🙂 I’m going for the lay back and smile response 🙂


  4. Congratulations to you on your new baby. The children will one day learn to play together nicely. What a beautiful baby and his older brother is no slouch either. Siddy reminded me immediately of Jackie’s dog is the endless fodder for her stories and cartoons. She also has a cat and they co-exist. I would love to have another of my own but alas, the timing is just not right. They are so energetic until about 4 or 5 years of age. Then you have trouble getting them to move. Just like an old man. So enjoy the baby and toddler years. He is just too adorable. You will never run out of posting material again. 🙂


    • We are making good progress Marlene – I am feeling quite relieved and satisfied this evening. Most of the forward movement is instigated by the puppy who simply is incredulous at the thought that something might not adore him. He runs around like a maniac and then expires in a happy bundle for an hour before taking odd again. He has potty trained himself in two days, kissed the cat and pleased me greatly by showing he has learned to sit on command but mistook ‘Sid’ for ‘sit’ which had us all in guffaws! So we can’t call him Sid – he must forever stay Siddy!


      • All animals want to be clean. They do not like to go where they live. My dog had to have long walks from home. I of course always cleaned up behind as any good butler would do. She thought it my position in life. Lordy, I miss her higness. 🙂 I can see you are being thoroughly entertained.. Dogs just do that better than cats I think though they both have their place in our hearts.


  5. Adorable Siddy!! What a little cutie. I was wondering what he was chewing on (I read in a previous comment that it was a wrapper from your crochet basket). The photos / video are great.
    The last time I adopted a puppy, all was well until the middle of the night when the wimpering began. Then I remembered what it was like to have a baby back in the house!
    Thank goodness puppies are so cute … it makes all the antics and energy a bit easier to manage.
    Sending strength and patience to you and Orlando!


    • Thank you for the strength and patience – it was sorely needed! I was so not going to get a puppy! I was looking for an older girl who needed re-homing or rescuing – I was foolish to enter the pet shop – and lost the moment I did!

      The whimpering starts the moment he is ‘alone’ and continues with brief intervals until morning. [Alone is in his carrier right beside the bed where I can touch the door and he can hear my voice easily] No amount of vocal reassurance, makes a blind bit of difference – if anything it stirs him on! I did one night with no sleep, I got to 4 am this morning with no sleep and caved. I took him into my bed and we both slept for three hours! So much for starting as you mean to go on. He is otherwise a perfectly good and clever little pup – and so completely gorgeous and happy and terribly keen about everything. I have decided to chill out and let him say what is needed – he is after all a little baby and just needs his new mum! Lesson learned 🙂


      • Oh my … you really have had a rough go of it! yes, he is a baby at 8 weeks so hopefully you can slowly get him back in the crate / carrier. What about a stuffed animal friend in there with him? wearing a tshirt of yours so he smells you?
        (I’m just guessing … have no idea if that would work)


        • It didn’t 🙂 Last night he slept in bed with me [Orlando having decided the back porch was preferable to sharing inside with Siddy] and we both had a long deep sleep, with just one potty interruption. I can face anything today!


  6. Pauline! Congratulations Siddy is adorable, he’s going to be great companion for you. I think Orlando is never going to be ecstatic about the new arrival but cats are smart and adaptable and I’m sure he will get used to having Siddy around, who knows he may even come to like him. Anyway I am soooo excited for you. Big love from me 🙂


    • At this point I’m hoping for tolerance! It’s day 3 – something should change later today ……. 🙂 I am just so grateful we have nice weather and coming and going is so easy!


  7. Aw…I want him! He’s is adorable, Pauline! I predict Orlando will come around. He’s used to being the center of attention, so it will take some time, but I think they’ll be great pals. 🙂 I hope you’ll post their progression toward friendship. xo


  8. Gosh Pauline between you and Will (Marking Our Territory) I am getting the perfect quota of puppy cuteness during my blog reading at the moment! I’m getting all the joy and giggles without the toilet training or lack of sleep – so I thank you both very much for that! Siddy is just too cute for words! I’ve watched your video over and over to see him bounce back through the door towards you. Adorable! I’m sending Orlando big, big hugs – it can actually be a really stressful time introducing a new pet to the household, I find. But very soon things become the norm – and hopefully you get to string together a bit more sleep! What a gorgeous family of three! xoxoxoxoxoxoxox


    • Good Morning Dani! Definitely sleep deprived and both Orlando and I find puppy’s high energy quite challenging first thing in the morning 🙂 Orlando gets to high tail it out of here but I get to respond to comments with a pup jumping up and down beside my right arm wanting to play typing too……… I do hope he calms down soon 🙂


      • I forgot to say, Will is partly responsible for this situation – I listened when he wrote his post about there never being ‘the perfect time to adopt a pup’ I knew he was right and it spurred me on! But really, I think having triplets would be easier – and you know what I mean because you have twins!!


  9. Sid-Arthur! Love it. Do you think you will ever teach him to meditate? 🙂 Reminds me of when we brought our little Jack in to the home. It was about this time of the year and apart from the lack of sleep there were ice-cold frosts to contend with during the toilet-training. Priceless photos of Orlando and Sid getting to know each other.


    • Great – you got it! Given the constant movement and busyness and sheer joy of every waking moment I don’t think meditation is on the cards – but when you live so completely in the present moment you probably don’t need to do that!

      I am so fortunate with this return to good weather – imagine if I had got him last week in the sleet and the snow…… this is so much easier We can sit outside and keep doors open and go for little walks in the sunshine!


  10. Awww, Siddy is adorable, Pauline *I’m melting* . Orlando, don’t questioning yourself what that thingie is. In a few days you’ll understand that you are much bigger, than that little furball, and in a while you’ll be best furriends. I’m sure about that. Have an Easy Sunday guys 🙂


    • Oh Granny and Little Binky – how I hope you are right! At the moment Siddy is very keen, but Orlando won’t give an inch. He is being a very stubborn and unfriendly big brother!! I’m hoping a good nights sleep might make him feel more kindly towards the little guy. xoxo


      • Pauline, talk to Orlando and tell him that Siddy is a part of the family now too, but that he (Orlando) is still your big boy and that he’s not replaceable and, this is very impawtant, think positive. Every time you see that Orlando is doing ugly to Siddy, repeat the sentence. He’ll understand. Orlando feels himself left out at the moment, the same as Angel did, when I came to live with Granny. Granny talked to us every day, especially to Angel, who was very jealous, but it worked and we became a kind of distance furriends. Granny told Angel the whole time that it was his house and it would be forever. Guess who was jealous then 😉 I cross my paws and send extra good Pawkiss vibes your way 🙂


        • Thank you for your good advice! I have kept Orlando in the loop all the way along – I tell him every morning he is in charge of how things will be and that he is now and forever my favourite, best loved boy. He seemed more open last night, this morning he won’t come inside. I just have to keep breathing, yes?


          • Well done, Pauline, and how more you repeat it, how sooner he’ll understand. Cats seem to forget very fast 😀 Keep on breathing indeed, it helps…lol 😀


  11. Oh, another Syd 🙂 He’s gorgeous, I expect Orlando will feel rather put out for quite some time lol. At least the dog is so tiny he can’t be seen as a physical threat 🙂


    • Yes, lots of Sids in this house 🙂 I’m hoping Orlando will get over himself quite quickly – it will help if puppy shows him some respect. I’m trying not to interfere and let them work it out themselves. But really, you would have thought I’d presented him with an elephant sized cat-eating carnivore the way he [over] reacted. That’s what happens when you have overindulged cats I suppose. xoxo


      • Cats are great over-reactors though aren’t they lol. They are so full of their own importance they simply can’t bare another fluffy citizen brought into the home in which they reign supreme. We have had Mittens for over 6 months and he is only now letting Syd lie on the couch with him or even come close to him. Syd’s had a fair few swipes to the nose!


        • Six months! Orlando is refusing to come inside this morning – to ensure his shocked response [“Holy hell, it’s STILL here?’] is fully appreciated. Yet last night he followed behind us as we walked the block, which is something he has NEVER done before!

          I think you are absolutely right about their own importance and reigning supreme and these are all mind games designed to drive me completely bonkers 🙂


  12. Oh my goodness he’s adorable. I love your photos of the two of them, the reluctant Orlando and the curious Siddy. Hold old is he, Pauline? He’s so darn cute! Will he stay small? Good job on the video, too. I’m really happy for you.


    • He is only 8 weeks old – just a little baby! That’s why it is hell on wheels at the moment! He will get 3 -4 times the size he is now – so about the same as Orlando, maybe a tad bigger. I got the camera out because he was enthusiastically gathering the dead leaves from the garden and piling them on his grass mat – but when I went to get the camera he came too and found the wool wrapper from my crochet basket and that is what he is running around with instead of the leaves.


  13. I was with Orlando when you said that you were going to buy a dog BUT now I have met Siddy, how could I not fall madly in love with him? Gorgeousness on a dingily bell stick 🙂 Sid was meant to move in with you both and he certainly knows his name doesn’t he? 🙂 Clever girl to become a one cat, one dog family (and a no sleep owner 😉 )


    • Orlando is asleep on the table [he avoids the floor at all costs since the little devil dashed out of his carrier at him yesterday!] Siddy is asleep beside me, taking a short break before the next round of dashing about enthusiastically and shaking things begins. I have bags under my eyes and no lunch in my tummy and it is almost dinner time! I knew there was a good reason why I said I wouldn’t get pup – but how could I not take him home with me?


      • (steve here ) He is awsome i watched the video again and he is a very sweet little boy and very smart to . Earl says he would play well with him as he seems to be fiesty lol


        • Hey Steve 🙂 Earl’s not fooling me – he would probably swallow poor little Sid in one gulp and then wonder where the pesky little thing went!

          I think he is a very clever little pup – mostly I have owned fairly -um- slow dogs in days gone by – big, but definitely slow in the uptake department……. either that or they just didn’t agree that I was the pack leader! This little fella hangs onto my every word and tries so hard to get it right – it is so sweet! I really like him 🙂


          • Au contraire Ms P Early thinks that HE is a puppy still. He adores little fluffy dogs and gets down on his belly to play. Some of them (Jack Russell Terriers anyone?) have no fear of Early boy and jump right into the game but people with little fluffies (and poor little Sid might have a big personality but he is inside those parameters) tend to hightail it out of the ballpark whenever poor Early starts wagging his tail. He might have it in for Mr Orlando King but Siddy would be his offsider and he would teach him EVERYTHING that he knows i.e. “how to prune off expensive grafted potted specimens UNDER the graft…how to jump on the kitchen table and sniff around to get immediate attention…how to do those ENORMOUS puppy dog eyes that Puss-in-boots affected in Shrek (although I have my sneaking suspicions that Mr Sid could possibly teach Earl a thing or two in that regard 😉 )” and lots of other things including crochet/wool 101, how to ingest ANY craft item in your immediate vicinity and how to whimper pathetically at the back door when you haven’t had a walk in the last 10 minutes…Earl is crestfallen that you wouldn’t trust him with Siddy but he is used to it now…”toughen up bucko!”


            • Siddy is showing every sign then of becoming Earl’s next BFF. He will not show Orlando the respect he requires – he continually bounces at him and eyes him and takes/steals his happy-bag and his toy that Boomdee sent him which is his only toy he plays with…….. there is simply no respect! Orlando hightailed it outside as soon as Siddy got up this morning and really I would have liked to join him. We could both have sat on top of the brick wall and just watched Siddy bounce and bound and destroy any and everything that he saw while I had my coffee and O had his leisurely breakfast…… Those were the days 🙂


              • Thems the breaks when a new kid is on the block and nothing will ever be the same but did you really want it to be? 🙂 Siddy will bring you a bucket-load of slobbery love and once Mr O learns that he isn’t going away any day soon he will at least learn to get along with him (disdainfully perchance…). When Siddy learns his parameters he will be a lot better…however stealing a cats happy bag is a capital offense! Siddy might have overstepped the mark with that one! 😉


      • Sid is going to keep Orlando on his tippy toes indeed! He is the cutest and most entitled lump of puppy flesh that I have seen in ages. He is so replete with his own cuteness he appears to be unable to fathom that anyone (Mr Orlando King) wouldn’t love him to bits…I think that there will be a few life lessons coming poor Siddy’s way as well as Mr O. Kings but after a while they will settle down and will be best mates 🙂


        • You got it exactly right! We met a rather large mastiff on the street this evening as we ambled around the block – Sid was up for it joyfully …. he took off at a miniature gallop. Luckily for him the mastiffs owners recognised an untrained pup when they see one flying down the street towards them yelping “Helllllooooo!” and they quickly heeled their dog in and crossed to the other side. Sid sat down abruptly with a look that can only be described as astonished on his little face as he watched them going by without once stopping to admire him – then he slowly looked up at me in silent bewilderment……….I couldn’t help him, I was just as bewildered!

          He gets that same look on his face when he is doing the ducking and dashing moves of ‘lets play’ to Sir O and is rebuffed with either the cold shoulder – or with a growl and a hiss as happened just moments ago as obviously his little kingship has had a skinful of cute little puppy dogs coming in like they live here and own the place!! He’s not going to take it lying down – no sirree bob!! He’s going to sit up straight and fluff up his gigantic tail and ruffle up his mane and growl like a lion with laryngitis. Poor little Sid – completely perplexed and bewildered!!


          • Exactly! He is SO CUTE and all of the humans that have seen him/picked him up coo and go nuts over him so that must mean that he is most delicious and totally precious and no-one/nothing in their/its right mind could resist…so what’s this refusal to play eh? You are going to have to give him a good cuddle every time he gets rebuffed to keep that healthy pup ego fluffy and primed…but I am pretty sure that’s a given with the way that fat little fluffball looks and acts and I reckon his new mum is in complete and utter love 🙂 (Dare I say it…yes, I shall…”he is even CUTER than Mr Junior!”)


            • I would say that on a scale of 1 – 10 living with Iron Man would be level 10 annoying [all that egocentricity and lack of respect for rules, boundaries and limitations] And at the moment living with Siddy [who is currently trying to chew his way through the base of my big reading lamp – who is currently stealing another wool wrapper from my crochet basket – who is currently shredding and killing said wrapper – who is looking for – who has found a way to lift the floor rug and pull at the knotted pile – who is throwing himself into his bed and yanking the mattress up – who is killing the wrapper again….] is also a 10.

              I just want to have my morning coffee! Oh geez, he’s found the three point plug outlet!


              • LOL the joys of pups :). One day we were standing in the kitchen huddled over our early morning cuppa and we heard a plaintitive little “SQUEAK!” and headed into the loungeroom to discover that Earl had just discovered electricity and all of it’s lovely powercordy goodness and might…he never ate a power cord again! He did however, eat a gas heater gas line…shoes, plants, but the king of consumption had to be Bezial who ate half of the car when we left him in it, he chewed his way into a carton of beer and punctured 6 cans and the car smelled like a brewery for a month, he chewed a notch in a wooden window frame, munched a wall and snipped off more power cords than I even want to think about…we had just replaced our gear stick knob in the car and he ate it…sigh…oh, Earl has careened his way through 2 large windows in a week! The joy of owning a dog… you may recover, you may not, you might just start to drink copious amounts of alcohol (like us 😉 ) but whatever you do you can’t help but love that little fat fluffball as they have SOOO much personality and nothing…NOTHING loves you like a dog :). By the way, thanks to a lack of a walk yesterday Mr E was in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out ALL BLOODY NIGHT baying at the moon, at possums, at cats, at other dogs in the distance (most probably Siddy…) and had the HIDE to look at me as if he was tired and wanted a sleep in this morning when I went in to wake Steve! 😉


                • I have somewhat naively entered your world! I thought I had puppy proofed the house – but today has seen an absolute fixation for the reading lamp cord and 3-point plug, his discovery of my row of cooking books on the [sigh] bottom shelf of the bakers stand in the kitchen and the reduction to shreds of a magazine that was kept because it had a delicious lamb shank stew recipe which I might one day like to taste! Gone forever!

                  I take heart though that being an nth of Bezial and Earl’s size he can’t demolish the house and sundry belongings like your two can 🙂

                  we;ve had a good day today and he has been busy proving how clever he is and has almost won over the hissy little kinglet …………….. He touched his nose to Orlando’s nose and then O ran away – but hey a victory is a victory!!


                  • Orlando will be won over by his obvious boyish charm and one day they will be partners in crime (in other words Orlando will commit the crime and will blame his partner Sid 😉 ). It’s like having a toddler in the house getting a puppy except a very VERY persistent one that is hell bent on sharpening it’s teeth on everything. At least you will sleep well at nights 😉


  14. Reblogged this on mydogablog and commented:
    Awwwww…. Our very dear blog-buddy, Pauline (aka The Contented Crafter) has just had a new addition to the family. How completely divine is he..????!!!


  15. I llove that pup! Lucky you, to find him, eh? Looks like he’s really smart, too. I feel for Mr. O, though. But I’m sure they will come to an arrangement. One good thing is Mr. O can get out of the way if he likes . . . it was so funny to watch as he stalked Siddy, then suddenly ‘disappeared’ after Sid came out of the cage. I can see lots of laughs in your future . . . should get you through the dark season . . . BTW, was that thunder I heard in one bit of the video? I love thunder! and lightning!! Back to Siddy . . . you are so lucky he is tiny; otherwise you’d have to watch for me sneaking around hoping to kidnap him . . . 🙂


    • He is very tiny – a first for me! My last dog was an Old English Sheepdog 🙂 I wanted to get something that would be smaller than Orlando and would also fit into my house without making it burst t the seams. I was trying to get an older female and as usual ended up with exactly what I said I didn’t want – but how could I refuse this?

      I think O will adjust – he is playing his ace cards today to no effect and I can see signs of him caving. I reckon a week will have them sorted. I just hope I survive it!

      No, it wasn’t thunder, I think it was just me moving the camera too quickly. We have had two days of gorgeous warm, late summer weather. Perfect for leash training and little walks and potty training. The gods are good!!


  16. OMG Pauline – Siddy is completely divine!!! What breed/mix is he?? Poor Orlando!! Hopefully he will come around. It’s so lovely you now have a totally gorgeous companion to go walking with. You probably won’t get very far though – I’m sure lots of people will be stopping you to admire Sir Sid-Arthur. You must be brimming over with love!! I’m sure he is giving you heaps of cuddles and kisses and lots and lots of giggles. Aside from being unbelievably cute, puppies are always good for lots of chuckles and young Sid looks like he has plenty of those in store for you. He is one very lucky pooch to have ended up in your home Pauline. Looking forward to heaps more Sir Sid updates!!! : )))xoxox


    • He’s every bit as cute as your Monty don’t you think? I forgot to say what his parentage is Mum is a Maltese-Shtitzu [called a Mitzu apparently] and dad is a Lhasa Apso. He has a preponderance of Maltese I think. He is so energetic both Orlando and I just look at each other in horror and want to go hide under the bed! 🙂 He is ultra smart, he has already worked out how to get my attention – little whimper, then sit and look mournful. He is showing a concentrated effort to please me by not jumping up at me and not slobbering all over my face. He has learnt to [mostly] use his pee mat; open his carrier door and let himself out; sit; come and steal O’s favourite toy. He is very cute and is going to keep me quite busy!


      • Super super super cute and super clever too by the sounds if it! You may have to start a while new blog just for Sid!! So we’re saying Sid is a Mitsu Apso I guess…?? From Monty I’ve learnt that Maltese are super-friendly and nicely energetic (as against crazy-annoying energetic!). I used to have a pure bred Shih Tzu who was unbelievably stubborn but Sid doesn’t look stubborn at all. I hope you enjoy every tiny happy beautiful moment while he’s little! The best thing I did was install a cat flap at floor level for Monty the day we got him. He toilet-trained himself in one day. Our back garden is fully dogproof (ie well fenced) so we leave the cat flap permanently open for him. We’ve never had ‘accidents’ as a result. I think they naturally want to be clean in terms of toileting as long as they have the opportunity. : )))


        • When I read up on all the dogs that are in Sid I heard again and again that Shih Tzu’s [thank you for the correct spelling!] are stubborn and can be very difficult to toilet train – he had a couple of accidents the first day, mainly because I didn’t realise he would need to go quite so often – but as soon as he got himself in the right place and received lots of praise for it hasn’t missed a beat since.

          I am getting a cat door put in on Monday 🙂 Orlando has never needed one before but now I think he needs to be able to exit stage right whenever this all gets too much for him…… as well as for Sid being able to get into the courtyard as required.

          I guess we can call little Sid what ever we like and Mitsu Apso sounds pretty good to me – let’s do it!! 🙂

          On the super friendly bit I agree – we have a stream of people popping in to say hello and he can’t show them enough geniality. Toys are tossed and chased and shook for their delight and amazement and then the people are cuddled into and gazed at. On his mini walks on the street all kinds of folk have to stop and speak to him, mainly because he has run up to them and planted himself in front of them and he encourages all the oohs and ahs and petting he can get. Such a flirt!


  17. Oh he is just adorable and obviously really, really smart! triple sqeeeeeee!


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