25 thoughts on “An Anti-War Thought for ANZAC Day

  1. It took me half a century (well, till I was 34) to work out that this wasn’t a dress rehearsal and that it was up to ME to make my own little space, world, the best place that I could. I figure that life is TOO SHORT for bad wine, bad food and bad company and that we all owe this little blue planet to do the “right thing” starting with living as simply and lightly as we can and paying back. I can’t watch this at the moment as it is 3.26am and Stevie-boy, although incredibly tolerant of my bumbling around in the dark in the early mornings, will most probably lynch me (or set the dogs on me 😉 ) if I played this as loudly as my old deaf (Led Zeppelin YOU OWE ME!) ears need it to be played. It IS easy to feel very VERY small and insignificant but every single one of us has a part to play here. We all need to know that even our smallest effort is like a ripple in a pond. We just never know how big that wave is going to end up once we start that tiny little splash in the pond 🙂


    • I urge you to watch it when Stevie-Boy is awake . Let him watch it too, it is a unique take on the history of this little planet and puts EVERYTHING into perspective so very nicely in about 3 minutes 🙂

      I think you got to self responsibility quite early – I was 42 before the light dawned and some never wake up. And yes to the ripple in the pond effect – you never know who you will splash up against! I often refer to the candle in the night – the one flame illuminates a large amount of darkness 🙂


  2. My gosh, that was so engaging. I hung on every word and while not religious in any way, I wanted to say “Amen” after. Illusions of grandeur will most certainly be the end to us. The martyrs want a legacy. They don’t realize what a bad memory history has. Look at the Egyptians. The most powerful and rich culture in the known world, now lost to time. No ONE person is infinite, no matter what kind of monster they are. I read what Alys shared. It’s easy for kind and gentle hearts to feel hopelessness if looking at the world as one big whole. It can seem very dismal indeed. I just can’t do that, I would be broken, done for. All I can affect is my own world. To live with kindness, empathy, joy and acceptance and to be an honest and giving heart. These are my personal goals and so I’m attracted to others that choose to embrace the same ideas about the world and others. No life is perfection, not even the filthy rich. I don’t want or try to change the way other people ‘choose’ to live. My own time here is for ME and those I love. Selfish? Yes probably. I always admired what Craig Ferguson jokingly says now and again about life. He says, “hey, it’s not a dress rehearsal”. True enough. No do overs. I say, “make it meaningful and fulfilling for you, despite what else is going on in the world.” Thanks for sharing this fantastic video. Sorry I’m waxing on and on. I’m do get rather passionate about some things.Hugs K xoxo


    • I did enjoy your passionate waxing!! You have it right on the button. This is exactly why I choose not to watch the news or read the papers. I will NOT take part in spreading the fear and hopelessness. I believe with all my heart that that choosing to live a positive life and loving well influences the world in a positive way. The light from one small candle spreads far!

      Please feel free to wax passionately at any time on my blog 🙂 xoxo


    • Thanks Frank. Our young men set sail immediately war was declared [in both ww’s] and many never returned at all, or returned so badly wounded and battle damaged that their lives and their families lives were changed forever after. In my opinion it is a madness that must stop! Let’s feed the starving millions instead and make this blue dot a shinier one!


  3. Pauline, this surely makes an impression and is such a strong reminder that Earth is all we have. I am behind on blogging and between you and Dani, learned about Anzac Day.
    Thank you for sharing this thought provoking video


    • I am pleased you enjoyed it Laurie – it kind of puts it all into perspective doesn’t it. I would love to see this world’s rampant nationalism fall and be replaced by something akin to global human-ism!


      • I know what you mean. I’ve been so discouraged lately with what seems a never ending stream of misery and violence: Syria, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa, Pakistan. The war machine is alive and well. Sad for all human kind.


        • We have so much information available to us now and it is very easy to be made to feel useless in the face of the powerful corporations and their quest for fiscal and political dominance. I believe it is up to each one of us to take a quiet stand and refuse to be part of that stream – by looking to see how we support them in our thoughts, words and actions and then setting about to change those thoughts, words and actions……….. We can make a difference! Think of the Hundredth Monkey Effect and that is how it works 🙂 And don’t be discouraged – you are making a difference!!


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