Well, Who Knew – Making A Gif is Just So Easy

My blogging pal the ever helpful and really talented  Boomdeeadda read the post ‘You’ve Got Mail’ and asked if I’d ever thought of turning Orlando’s photos into a gif.  I hadn’t, but as she gave me a link and said it was really easy, I thought I’d have a go.

What we have is just a really fast animation of some of the photos you saw in the previous post – but it has taught me what is required….. so next time the feline Brad Pitt [read the comments in the last post] feels camera ready we’ll give it a shot!

Thanks Boomdee – who knew it was so straight forward!

free gif maker

gif creator: The Contented Crafter

Thanks must also go to markingourterritory.wordpress.com where delightful gifs and how-to instructions are clearly given.  Thanks to Boomdee for passing this info on.

6 thoughts on “Well, Who Knew – Making A Gif is Just So Easy

  1. Pingback: Blog Hop Around The World | Boomdeeadda

  2. Pingback: mine is the cup that is always half full! | gentlestitches

  3. Weeeeeee! You’re so awesome!!!! Look at Orlando go…HAHA. Love it Pauline. Good for you to give it a go!!! Thanks a bunch for the PING back too. xoxox. Orlando is just dreamy..go kitty go LOL.


    • No, no – thank you! I would never have thought of it had you not suggested the idea – this one taught me what I need to do to get it right and the next one is getting there! Another skill for the back pocket …… 🙂


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