What Is This Feeling I Am Feeling?

I like to take notice of how I am feeling when I wake up in the morning.

One of the things that living has taught me is that if I pay attention to that primary waking feeling then I can manage the endless crap that tries to take over and fill up my head and turn my day to mush.

Today I wake feeling a familiar feeling, but one that I have difficulty naming accurately.  I

tend to call it ‘hopeful’, though I’m not sure that is altogether the right noun – there is a vague feeling of excitement that generates from somewhere in my solar plexus and skitters up to my heart and makes it sing.  A small upturn at the corners of my mouth is willing me to smile and my body wants to dance.  I feel alive and expectant of good things.  I feel happy!

I have no idea of why I feel this way – nothing untoward, exciting or inspiring is planned for this day.  I hope to eventually escape the blogosphere and make it to my play room and start work on turning a box into a book, and there is more daunt than hope around that intention!

But nonetheless, this is the feeling that I wake with.

I rise at 6 am, it is just dawn, the grey sky lightens while I fetch and carry for Orlando who warbles and purrs his approval and rubs his head against any available part of me – leg, arm, hand – and I know this is why I woke feeling this feeling.  My little fella makes me happy!Orlando at window

I make my morning coffee,  turn on the laptop and settle down to  read my emails.  Good news lurks there, I’ve won not one but two bonus tickets on the lottery drawn last night, another try tonight then!  This makes me happy and I smile with anticipation!

While involved in catching up on news and Facebook and daily bargains the day emerges and my wee house is suddenly flooded with sunlight and warmth.  This makes me happy!

Saving the best to last I eventually arrive in blog heaven.  At first I don’t understand what is happening on Char’s blog – I wonder if WordPress has made a mistake and put my blog title on her blog – I follow it into the sphere and read the latest post from Lesie’s World and see that, bless her cotton socks, the girl has mentioned my post in her post and ‘pinged’ me.  I didn’t even know you could do that!

This makes me really happy!  What a great compliment, what a great way to start the day!

I spend an hour or so, wondering around blogs, I have found another like soul in Patricia Awapara and enjoy time admiring her stunning paintings and reading her book excerpt.  I visit new people and stay awhile with some and move on more quickly from others.  I discover another writer worth following.  Ah, such happiness!

My cat curls up beside me and warbles himself into sleep.  And, of course, this makes me very happy!  cropped-019.jpg

And now if you’ll excuse me, I must get on with my day.  I wonder what will come next?

Thanks for visiting, I hope you are having a great day!

12 thoughts on “What Is This Feeling I Am Feeling?

  1. Pauline I’m up super early this morning and I love your description of waking up. It is good to take those few moments and breath and assess the Universe. My day always seems to start off right when I do that. Now go work on your box transformation!! I want to see it. That pic of Orlando made me smile–what a sweet sleeping face!


    • Hi Katy, thanks for popping in again. That cat has a constant smile – he is generally most pleased with his world – a delight to live with! The box is no more and has become eight flat boards, of which 6 are joined together into pages and the painting of edges, ripping, tearing and sizing of papers has begun………a great way to spend mothers day!


      • Boredom. Tired of thinking. Trying to work out the direction of the blog. I’ve got several drafts to finish, I hope to add one tomorrow about a great app. And it’s cool and pouring rain….again…and it’s tough to light a fire when your motivation is wet. I’m trying to man up and get going.


        • Aw darlin’ don’t man up – you’re a great girl!! Best advice I can give is listen to Dennis Hopper again, reciting ‘If’ – but replace the gender in the last line perhaps …………. Remember how many of us love your blog!


  2. That feeling is always a good feeling to wake up with, for that moment you feel like all is right with the world and you can do anything today, like you’re almost super-woman. Love that feeling. And I have to say, bless your socks right back Pauline, your blog makes me smile, an ear to ear smile, not because it’s particularly funny, but because you write with such sincere honesty that bleeds love and happiness and all the good things 🙂 and sometimes that’s all we need to hear/read.
    Really and truly!!!


      • [Holding out my arms for a big warm hug…] I hope your weekend is going better than your Friday did Char. I meant to write a whole other blog, but that was what came out. No discipline you see! But I’m glad you liked it. If I could have my druthers I would live with a cat and a dog – I’ve done it in the past with a few hilarious results. What I love is the essential differences between the two, summed up beautifully thusly: cats are autistic and dogs are Downs……………Even as I write, Orlando sits beside me and gazes off into space, no eye contact – it makes him uncomfortable, unless it is a long, slow blink which says ‘I mean no harm, I love you!’ But even as I finish that sentence he is on the floor beating the crap out of his baggie…………. 🙂


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