Orlando the Marmalade Cat Has An Addiction…….

He loves his catmint [nepeta officianalis] and I try to keep at least one healthy plant available to him while the others recover or are used to provide stems for drying.

He has a small baggie of dried nepeta that he enjoys droolings over or playing cat football with – but best of all is fresh – I have no idea why, but a new plant freshly purchased sends him into ecstasy!

Recently however all the plants have died off, and Orlando has been without his fresh drugs for some weeks.  Out shopping I happened upon a nice, well grown plant and decided to give him a treat

The following photos document the outcome – it was all over in about 15 minutes and he slept it off in his bed for the next few hours!






I cleaned up the mess and went off to purchase another plant …………

10 thoughts on “Orlando the Marmalade Cat Has An Addiction…….

  1. This is awesome! I love that one picture, where he looks sort of cross-eyed and doped up! My cat, Blondie, looks a lot like Orlando and shares his love of the “weed.” If you’re interested in more cat photos, you can see him here!

    Now, That’s A Cat!


    • Purely for medicinal use only, of course! 🙂 Whenever he has had a good go at it his nose gets all swollen and I swear he sees double! I am going to utilise your upside down basket idea for sure!

      I went and read the post about Blondie, thanks for sharing it as it was a real pleasure for me to get to know you a little better too! What a cat!!


    • Thank you – and yes, he is one hilarious boy!!

      Thank you for visiting and the follow too. I popped over to your blog and reciprocated, but did not leave a message as I got interrupted. It is always nice to meet a fellow country person in this virtual world! I lived and taught in Christchurch for 6 years in the 80’s and have many friends who are still there.


  2. Delightful! I love the one of him looking up. Dazed and happy. I wonder if you could grow some in a little counter top green house. He couldn’t get the lid off till it was ready. I grow cat grass for my sister’s indoor kitty, KT. He’s a huge fan of the oat blend and has similar enthusiasm.

    Thanks for sharing your sweet Orlando pics.


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